
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 1: ten facts about yourself. know the 30 day photo challenge that everybody and their mother has been doing on facebook? Well, I'm a little copycat and I'm gonna do what Haley did. I'm doing it on my blog instead.

Only, since I don't want to be stuck with this challenge while I'm in Europe, I'll probably do two a day on some days...or one. Or zero. Or three. Whatever I feel like really.

Here we go!

Day 1: Ten facts about yourself.

1) I'm so excited for Europe I can barely stand it. Only. 25. more. days.

2) The idea of studying at Cambridge slightly terrifies me. Okay, it really terrifies me. Sometimes, in regards to intelligence and knowledge, I can fake it till I make it. I can't fake it over there. If you're dumb, you're dumb. I don't want to be dumb.

3) I went for my first scooter ride today. Let's just say, I really really want a scooter right now. A scooter and beautiful sunshine-filled days like today.

4) I used to hate running. Like, in high school, I couldn't even run down my driveway without panting. Sad, I know. But now, I really love it. I never ever thought I would say that.

5) Speaking of running, if I grow up to be the lonely, single middle-aged lady, I want to run marathons on every continent. Except for maybe Antarctica. And travel. And do humanitarian work. That way, at least I wouldn't be a cranky, single, middle-aged lady.

6) I'm pretty ambitious. I like to make big goals. Sadly, I don't always keep them. I would like to do something worthwhile with my life though.

7) I have yet to find something that makes me quite as upset as seeing an awful test score on the tv when you come down the testing center stairs. Seriously. It makes me so upset, even when I tell myself that a bad test score won't ruin the rest of my life.

8) I can honestly say that even when I get upset, stressed, and grumpy, deep down underneath it all, I'm still  genuinely, seriously, exhilaratingly happy.

9) I'm really ticklish. But the truth is, you don't have to tickle me to get me to laugh. I laugh a lot. Mostly, I just think lots of things are funny. But I'll even laugh at lame jokes and corny lines. I also laugh when I'm embarrassed or clueless. If I don't know how to respond to something you got it, I'll probably just laugh. It's ridiculous.

10) I've strongly disliked peanut butter for as long as I can remember. I don't care how tasty said pie, cookies, or sandwich is, if it has peanuts in it, I don't want it.

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