
Monday, October 29, 2012

this is halloween.

Every once in a while we run zombie 5k's in honor of Halloween.

I look like I'm six years old and that kind of creeps me out. Kind of.

The real creepy part of the entire adventure though was that one zombie at the 5k sign-up table who got so into character that he kept trying to sniff me while growling. That was quite odd and rather awkward.

Oh, Halloween. You never cease to amuse me.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

It's Utah.

This morning, Laura and I woke up at 6:30.

We threw on some clothes, grabbed blankets, and stumbled out the door to the car.

7/11 has some of the best hot chocolate around, so obviously, that was our first stop. We didn't really  have a second stop. We drove up through the mountains to the lake and watched the sunrise.

Afterwards, we headed up towards Alpine Loop. It was just gorgeous.

It just took my breath away with how beautiful all of it was. I've been in Provo for four years now and this is the first time I've checked out the mountains once all the leaves started changing. I blame that on... not having a car before?

Anyways, it was a great life decision and a really fun way to spend the morning. We got back to our apartment a half hour before conference started, which 1) rocked my world a little bit (just like everybody else though, I suppose) and 2) was just AWESOME, period. So many things to take away, and now I can't wait to see conference tomorrow!