
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"Though this be madness, yet there is method in't" (Shakespeare).

In one week, I will be done with all my finals for this semester. I fly home the day after that.

That means that in exactly one week, my summer officially begins.

I get to go home. See my family. Play with my little sister. Tease my little brother. Eat my mom's cooking. Talk with my dad. Hang out with my friends.

And then I depart for one heck of a European summer.

This last week in Provo though...will be utter madness. It's a flurry of trying to study, take exams, have final good-bye get-togethers, pack, clean my apartment, move everything to storage, pay all my bills....

For some strange reason, I'm not that stressed out. Maybe it's the calm before the storm...

Or maybe I've just realized that life has a strange way of always working out.

I've learned a lot of things this semester. But most of all, I think I've probably learned that I'm not enough for me. I can't be everything I want to be just on my own. But I've also learned that God is there for me every step of the way and He makes up the difference. Sometimes, in the moments I was the most frustrated, the most angry, the most upset this semester, I had to go outside and walk around the block a couple times. I tended to begin these walks just venting--telling God that if I was trying to do all the right things, I just didn't see why things couldn't work out for me. 

It was at these moments--when I gave up and realized that I couldn't do it on my own--that I probably felt the closest to God. It took taking me almost to my breaking point for me to remember to turn to God and tell Him that I needed His help. And He gave me it. Things worked out. Sometimes almost miraculously.

Sorry about the sermon. But basically, maybe that's why I'm not super stressed out about all this upcoming madness. I can't do anything other than my best--and then the Lord will do the rest.

1 comment:

  1. Emily, you got it!!! I have total confidence in you that you will be able to handle your life. You don't have to accomplish all but accomplish the things you really want and dreaming of... .
