
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

trekking through bryce.

In the last package I got from my mom, she gave me a little something something with a note that said, "Treat yourself."

I treated myself today and went for a hike in Bryce Canyon National park. It took forever (like almost four hours) to get there. The roads were awful (once you got off I-15) and even on I-15, thanks to the semi-trucks that continually blew dirt and slush and salt all over my windshield (and the rest of my car), I could barely see half the time. Sidenote: my car is dirtier now than it has ever been before. Somewhere on this journey, I also lost my debit card. Twas a rather frustrating journey, to be completely honest.

However, once I got on Highway 12, things started looking up. For one thing, I finally woke up all the way. And secondly, the views got 1000x better than they had been before.

Somewhere along Highway 12, nearing the park.
Also somewhere along Highway 12. 
I got to the park itself, paid the fee, and realized that the trail I was originally going to hike was closed. So I drove to Sunset Point (one of the vantage points in the park) and decided I was going to wing it with the help of the trail map. I found the trailhead to one of the trails and just started walking. It was such a good decision. The views were breathtaking and besides one couple (who I got to take a picture for me), I didn't see another soul. I went on whatever trails I felt like, just because I could. It was cold enough so that the water would freeze in the mouthpiece of my camelbak, but thankfully, moving around kept me plenty warm. It was just me and the park and it was all so so so pretty that I almost wouldn't have had it any other way.

Note: I did try to find a hiking buddy, Mom. Unfortunately, everybody was either home already or unable to go. And I did have Mace with me. Among other things. Just in case.

Parts of the trails I used had the snow beaten down already. However, the last two miles or so that I did consisted of knee-deep powder. I think one person had been on it before I used it, which was good, because it was easy to see where the trail was supposed to be by their tracks. The bad news is that their footprints were so wide apart I couldn't walk in them so I waded through knee-deep snow for the last two miles. That was when I realized how grateful I was for underarmour and the the thick wool socks I was wearing. I was also breaking in my hiking boots for the first time, and I'm pleased to say that they worked out very well.

the skyline.
self-portrait. it happens when you're all by yourself. 
thank you, random couple. 
adventure is out there!
I hiked until about 4:30-5:00ish. That was about when my feet started to get really cold and also about when the sun proceeded to sink lower and lower. So I hopped back in my car and made my way safely back to Provo, thanks to my brother and my mom, both of whom talked to me on the phone while I was feeling particularly sleepy.

I thought Bryce was stunning with the snow. And honestly, trekking through the snow was kind of fun. However, someday I'd like to return in the summertime. There are so many more trails over the summer and your time wouldn't be limited by how much cold your feet can take.

And note to self: don't ever forget to charge your camera battery before such happenings, or there's a very good chance that your camera will die halfway through. 

trail life. 


  1. too awesome. I'm very proud. :) And I've made the same excuse to my mom and others many times for not finding a hiking buddy. Except instead of mace, I had bear spray.

  2. YOU, my friend, are SO COOL! I can't believe you did this all by yourself! Wish I could have come! sounds empowering doing all on your own though :) Can we go hiking somewhere in January?
