
Monday, December 19, 2011

dearest you.

Dearest you,
I thought I saw you once.

I could have stopped you, maybe, but
You seemed hurried, and I move slow.
Real slow, and I needed to breathe.
I've been a little thinner lately.
Did you know?

Because you've brought me low, you did.
And I've brought you low, I did.

I scribbled scrambled thoughts across my bedroom wall
Once upon a time back then.
My dear, if you really saw this
If you could have only seen this-
Heart of a dreamer and soul slightly flawed.
But it's a long ways to fall
In the dark in the sand.
And I'd have to tell you that 
I understand.

And you've brought me low, you did. 
But I've brought you low, I did.

To those times when I've done it right
But did it wrong
Healed scars and intrinsically sad smiles
Old letters and postage stamps
A way when back and a time ago long
Ended up in some song because

To me, you never seemed
Quite so lonely
As you did then
To me, I never seemed 
Quite so lonely
As I did then.

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