It's 11:15 and I'm sitting in the library. I'll be here till 2:00am. Then very loud music will come on over the speakers and all us students will be released from this self-inflicted library stuDYING.
Cheryl and I are pros at this entire staying at the library for ridiculous amounts of time.
My brain is fried. I feel like I have been cramming physics into it for hours...but that I still don't know anything about physics. It is a strange feeling. Here's to remembering it all when I'm actually sitting in the testing center. I have my doubts, but at least I'm trying.
Also, I strongly dislike group projects. I admit it--I can be a perfectionist sometimes. I WANT my good grade, dang it. The fact that I care so much means that I often end up with a lot of work. Oh, there needs to be a powerpoint? I can do that. Nobody wants to do the brochure. Fine, I guess I can do it. Everybody hates public speaking? Well, guess I could take care of that too. I know I shouldn't. But our group should get a pretty rocking grade at least. I shouldn't complain. I'm just a tad tired. Blahhhh.
Tomorrow I'm studying some more. Taking my physics exam. Finishing the brochure for that group project. Memorizing my half of the group presentation. Sleep sleep sleep.
I'll wake up Wednesday and I have another meeting for that group project to run things through. I'll pack. Take care of a last few things on campus. Help give our HNRS202 presentation that night. Then finals are DONE.
I'll clean and pack throughout the night. Leave for home the next day. :)
Finals this semester really haven't been too bad. Plus, on this night of library-lateness, Cheryl snuck some frozen yogurt into the library and totally surprised me. Made all this studying better by one hundred times infinity. Infinity, people. The librarian never came around so nobody told me to toss it or put it away (you can't just put away frozen yogurt, lady). I ate it in complete happiness. Pretty sure the strangers sitting across from me were jealous times infinity. I would have been.
Totally feel ya. There reaches a point when studying when you actually feel like your getting dummer the more you study