
Friday, April 1, 2011

fast forward the nine next days.

As far as this 30 day photo challenge goes anyways. Actually, this is me a couple weeks later...I'm just combining these first nine posts into one post. To make things a little simpler. :)

Day 2: person you've been the closest to for the longest.

Probably my brother. I've known him for all but 18 months of my life. We've come a long way. My mother tells me I was a jealous little toddler. In fact, I once poured milk and cracked eggs all over him while he was taking a nap on the couch. I also tried to cut his hair when I was four. Don't judge me. I got in trouble both times.

Despite any early premonitions, I now think Jon's pretty cool. He goes to UofM. He's studying mechanical engineering and we've been in the same grade since freshman year of high school. He's great about making me feel better after I send him angry texts belittling my physics/chem teachers and their awful tests. He's really funny and very smart. He also introduced me to Chuck. And he put music on my ipod and shipped it out to me. PLUS, he's studying abroad in France this summer and I'll get to meet up with him in Europe. To me, that is spectacular. Yeahh. Definitely my brother.

Day 3: your favorite tv show

First place: Chuck is the personal fave. =]
The episodes are like Lays potato chips--can't [watch] just one.

Coming in at a close second place would be Modern Family
It's so funny.
Plus, the episodes are only a half hour long. Making them perfectly acceptable to watch on school nights.

Day 4: a picture of your night

At this very moment, Haley and I are diligently (?) studying in the Tanner building. 

We also went to Wendy's for dinner.
Their fries just might be the next best thing to Life cereal.
I love 'em. 

Well, on to further studying.

Day 5: a picture of your favorite memory

Gabriel, Erynn, me, and Lauralee after one of our waterfights.

Seriously, Mexico gave me so many favorite memories.  I would recommend studying abroad to anybody and everybody. Easily one of the best experiences of my life. 

Day 6: a picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.

Well, I've kind of already done this...right here.  But for all intents and purposes...right here right now...I would be a doctor.

I could never really be a doctor. I hate needles and get queasy at the mere thought of gruesome, bloody injuries. All the pressure and stress of making the right medical decisions for a countless number of patients every day would probably get to me too.

But doctors are special people. I admire them.

And if I could, I would get my degree. And then I would most definitely participate in Doctors Without Borders. Just a day in those shoes...that would be awesome.

Day 7: a picture of your most prized possession.

Well, originally, I had a picture of my family. They're not exactly a possession. But they're definitely mine. And they're prized. Unfortunately, the post got deleted. So just imagine the best family possible and you've pretty much got the right image in your head. 

Day 8: a picture that makes you laugh

This picture makes me laugh for a number of reasons.

1) I love this girl, Aubrey Boyer, to death. She always makes me laugh. Even though I haven't seen her in ages.
2) This is the first time I got roped into playing the skittles game. It's the most sickly sweet, kind of disgusting, endlessly hilarious, girls camp classic, sugar-high-inducing game you will ever play.
3) The "girls camp look." Let me explain. No makeup. Tshirts. Ponytails. Sweatiness. Oh, and putting off taking showers as long as possible because the bathrooms were so gross. Three days is my record. But believe me, I was in the vast majority. Nobody liked taking showers. Many made it longer than I did.
4) It brings back memories of screaming about spiders and then valiantly trying to squish them for the sake of the 14 year old girl who was looking up to you as the mature, unafraid YCL. Further memories include trying to prank the first years, making the best hobo dinners in the world, strengthening your relationship with Christ, playing the cup game during lunch, loving your girls, and best of all, not even caring what you looked like because there were no boys to impress.

Day 9: a picture of the person that has gotten you through the most

These two years of college could have been totally different without the roommate I have. You know, college--stressful, fast-paced, work-intensive--college. It could have been so awful. Instead, it's been amazing. This girl has seen me at my worst moments. She's probably familiar with all my weird quirks and personality glitches. And we're still friends. It's wonderful always having someone I know I can trust to be there for me. :)

You da bestest, Haley! Love you!

Day 10: a picture of the person you do the craziest things with.

Dear Rosalind Decker, I miss you! 

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